This guide will help you create your first checkout link - we'll create a basic example with two products and a free gift. Follow along to get your first link up and running in under 5 minutes.
Before you can create a checkout link make sure that your store is subscribed to at least the Starter plan.
Create your checkout link
Start by clicking the "Create link" button in your dashboard.
Once on the creation page start by picking a title for your link. This title is only visible to you in your dashboard and helps you organize your links.
Add products to your cart
Now you'll add the products that will be pre-filled in the checkout:
Toggle on the "Cart" card
Click "Select products" to browse your store's products
Choose the variants you want to include
If you're not seeing the products you want to add, check that they're enabled for the Checkout Links sales channel.
You can also add discounts to specific products, but we'll keep it simple for this quickstart guide.
Add a free gift
Let's add a free gift to make your offer more compelling:
Toggle on the "Free gift" card
Select the product variant you want to offer as a free gift
Optionally, set a minimum purchase amount required to get the free gift
Free gifts are added through Shopify Discount Functions, so make sure that you've enabled "Product discounts" in your settings.
Share your link
Your link is ready! Click "Save" to generate your link. You can now:
Visit your link
Copy the link URL to share anywhere
Download the generated QR code
View analytics for your link directly in the dashboard